EFY English for You

Angol Neked

 Nursery Rhymes (Versikék)


Two little black birds sitting on a wall,

One named Peter, one named Paul.

Fly away Peter, fly away Paul,

Come back Peter, come back Paul.


I love my father

I love my mother

I love my sister

and I love my big brother.


I like green frogs,

I like black dogs,

I like red cats,

I like brown bats.



I've got ten little fingers

I've got ten little toes

I've got two ears

I've got two eyes

And just one little nose.



Monday, Tuesday, go to school.

Wednesday, Thursday, learning's cool!

Friday comes, the week is done.

Saturday, Sunday, have some fun.


Clouds and rain, wind and snow.

Go away! Go, go, go!

Here comes the sun!

Horray! Horray!

Now we can go out to play!



I have a little dog,

His name is Jack,

His head is white,

His ears are black.


Mother, mother I feel sick,

Call the doctor quick, quick, quick.


Coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee,

Cheese and biscuits 4X

Strawberry ice cream 4X

Fish and chips 4X

Soup 4X


My parrot is beautiful,

It can fly and talk.

My tortoise is playful,

It can swim and walk. 


Easter bunny soft and white

Hopping quickly out of sight.

Thank you for the eggs you bring

At Easter time to welcome spring.


Roses are red,

Violets are blue,

Sugar is sweet

And so are you.




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Oldal: Nursery Rhymes (versikék)
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